Wallpaper Bugs

My Wallpaper is Misaligned

If your wallpaper is not centered even though it should be, try this: Open Niagara's settings > Look > and toggle Offset wallpaper. If your home screen wallpaper gets cropped or not scaled right, please try to apply the Wallpaper with Google Wallpapers.

What causes the bug?

The bug can happen with wallpapers wider than the phone's screen. The problem with wide wallpapers is that either the launcher or the wallpaper provider app has to do the centering (if both do it, the wallpaper will also be off-centered). Niagara Launcher could do the centering, but most Android launchers, such as Google's Launcher3, Pixel Launcher, and Nova Launcher, don't center the wallpaper; they left-align it (to simplify the explanation, we disregard parallax scrolling). Because of this, most wallpaper apps, such as Google Photos and Google Wallpapers, crop the wallpaper so that it looks centered for you even though it's technically left-aligned. If we'd now begin to center the wallpaper (like Samsung's OneUI Home Launcher does, for example), apps that wallpaper that get "center-cropped" would now be off-center to the right. Because most launchers left-align it and, therefore, most wallpaper apps crop them, we decided to also left-align them.

My Wallpaper is Cut Off/Doesn't Fill The Screen in Landscape Orientation

On some devices (specifically from Xiaomi), the wallpaper is cropped when rotating the device to landscape, leaving a black bar on the right side of the screen. In this case, we suggest applying the wallpaper image as a live wallpaper instead, for example, with KLWP, Muzei, or Wallpaper Changer.

I'm using a OnePlus device, and Niagara always extracts a red accent from my wallpaper

When applying your wallpaper with the OnePlus Wallpaper app, the system always returns a red color for the accent. As a workaround, you can apply your wallpaper with another app, for example, Google Photos.

My Live Wallpaper has changed, but Niagara Launcher's colors have not

Android and Niagara Launcher can only detect color changes in live wallpapers if the live wallpaper notifies the Android system. Please get in touch with the developers of the live wallpaper app you're using to request supporting color changes and include this link to the Android Developer documentation: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/service/wallpaper/WallpaperService.Engine#notifyColorsChanged().

The Text Color Doesn't Switch To Dark When Changing To A Bright Wallpaper

Since Android 8, third-party launcher apps like Niagara Launcher don't have access to your wallpaper and must let Android decide what color best contrasts it. Android mostly chooses white as the best contrasting color and only picks a dark color in rare situations*.

If you're not content with the result, you can manually adjust the text color by going to Niagara Settings > Look > Text color.

* If you're curious, here's how their algorithm works: It suggests a dark text color if the wallpaper has ≤5% dark pixels (it is considered dark if its luminance is 45% or lower) and if the mean luminance level of the overall wallpaper is pretty bright (≥75%).

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