Minimal Weather Widget

Niagara Launcher comes with an integrated weather forecast to better plan your day. Long-press on Niagara Launcher's clock > Weather > Enable to enable Niagara Launcher's weather widget.

Current Weather at a Glance

Hourly and Daily Forecast

The weather forecast is built into Niagara's agenda and helps you plan your day.

The hourly forecast includes today's weather conditions and those of the next day. Moreover, the daily forecast displays the weather for today and the next seven days. 

Weather FAQ & Troubleshooting

How often does the weather refresh?

In general, every 30 minutes. However, the interval is reduced when weather conditions seem unstable or you check the forecast by opening Niagara Launcher's agenda sheet.

Is there a way to get more weather details like wind speed?

Our goal was to create a super simple and minimal weather widget. However, you can download the official app from our weather provider OpenWeather. The app automatically opens if you long-press on Niagara Launcher's hourly weather forecast.

How to switch from Fahrenheit to Celsius?

Long press on the weather widget, tap on Weather, and then on Temperature units.

I can't enter my location

Please see our dedicated help article:

How accurate is the forecast?

We obtain weather forecast data from OpenWeather. Here's what they have written about the accuracy of the data:

Why do I get prompted to enter my location again?

This can happen if you chose current location (as opposed to fixed location) in Niagara Launcher's weather settings and if Niagara Launcher notices that it can't get your location for several days. In that case, keep location access turned on and check if Niagara Launcher still has permission to request your location. We recommend switching to "fixed location" in Niagara Launcher's weather settings if you don't want that.

Why is there only one weather provider available?

Unlike most weather apps, whose sole purpose is to display the weather, we want to keep the weather widget as simple as possible. This avoids complexity both for the user and us and lets us focus on other launcher features.

Why is there no option to launch a weather app of my choice when tapping Niagara's forecast widget?

If tapping on it would bring you to another weather app, the data wouldn't necessarily match (because of different forecasting methods), which would be an unpleasant user experience. However, you can download the official app from our weather provider OpenWeather, which queries its weather details from the same source as ours. The app automatically opens if you long-press on Niagara Launcher's hourly weather forecast.

Why is the weather widget a pro feature?

We must also pay our weather provider to get the data. And, of course, there needs to be a worthwhile upgrade to justify the pro subscription.

Why are some weather conditions not translated?

While OpenWeather provides translations for weather conditions in almost all languages we support, a few might be missing. In this case, please write OpenWeather what translations are missing:

Why is there no daily forecast for today?

Niagara Launcher provides hourly weather forecasts for the next 24 hours and daily forecasts for the next seven days. However, it doesn't display the daily forecast for the current day. This is because the daily weather data we receive from our provider, OpenWeather, could already be outdated, leading to inaccurate information. For instance, if it rains at 5 AM and the rest of the day remains dry, the rain icon will still appear for the whole day, and you may not realize that it has already rained.

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