Tips and Tricks

  • Left-hand mode: Like on the right side, you can also scroll on the left.
  • Swipe right on an app to open its notifications and to the left to dismiss it.
  • Swipe down anywhere to open Android’s notification tray.
  • Long-press an app to add it to / remove it from / move it in your favorites.
  • Swipe an app to the right for app shortcuts/notifications.
  • To open the clock/calendar from your home screen, press on Niagara’s clock or date at the top.
  • After a while of using Niagara, the most-used apps will appear at the bottom of your favorites (if they aren’t favored already). So, if you want to, you can remove all your favorites for a more dynamic and self-adapting home screen—long-press a suggestion to hide it.
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