Looking up Your Order Number

What is an order number?

An order number identifies your Google Play purchase. We need your order number if you want to issue a refund or believe there's something wrong with your purchase. The order number always begins with GPA. and looks like this: GPA.1234-1234-1234-12345.

How can I find my order number?

  • If Niagara Launcher recognized your purchase, the quickest way to look it up is by tapping on this link: https://niagaralauncher.app/app-link/orders.
  • You can also find your order number in the receipt email you received from Google after buying Niagara Pro
  • Moreover, you can also visit Google Pay, log into your Google account with which you purchase Niagara Pro, and tap on your Niagara Pro purchase. The transaction details menu shows up, listing your order number as Transaction ID near the bottom of the page.

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