I cannot purchase Niagara Pro

Payments blocked in Russia

Please note that Niagara Pro is generally unavailable for purchase in Russia due to sanctions. This applies to purchases through Google Play and our new Niagara ID-based purchase system.

Issues with Google Play

Wrong country

Something went wrong

Counldn't complete your purchase. Check that you have the correct country selected in your Play account. Learn more.

Your geolocation and the location set in your Google Play account must match to make Google Play purchases. This means you cannot purchase Niagara Pro while on vacation.

Please ensure you disable any VPNs or adblockers before and then try again. Other users reported that disabling WiFi and purchasing mobile data sometimes fixed the issue.

If you plan to stay in a different country for a long time (longer than 6 months), you can also consider changing the location of your Google Play account. However, you can only change your country once every year, so please make sure it is worth it before trying.

Other issues

If you encounter any other issues when purchasing Niagara Pro on Google Play, please follow this Google guide to Fix payment issues on your account

Issues with Niagara ID

If you encounter any difficulties while trying to buy Niagara Pro through our Niagara ID-based purchase system, please contact us at support@niagaralauncher.com.

Alternative ways of payment

If payment is impossible in your country or Niagara Launcher feels too pricey, we recommend using Google's opinion reward program to accumulate Google Play Store credit, which you can then use to purchase Niagara Pro.

Check out Google Opinion Rewards on Google Play

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