Integrated Calculator

You can perform calculations from your home screen and get the answer without opening any extra apps.

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Here is a quick cheat sheet for supported operations:

Basic operations

Operation Symbol Example Result
Addition + 5 + 3 8
Subtraction - 8 - 4 4
Multiplication * 2 * 16 , 2(1+3) (multiplication is inferred) 32 , 8
Division / 50 / 12 4.166..
Power ^ 3^2 9
Modulus (integer division remainder) % 5 % 2 1

Additional whitespaces are ignored so that you can write 1+2 and 1 + 2 .


🐛 We know of a bug that causes constants by themselves and functions only containing constants not to be evaluated. We are working on a fix. Your term currently needs at least one number to be evaluated. So you can write + 0 behind a constant or function to work around this limitation, e.g., pi + 0 = 3.14....

Note that constants only work when used alongside other parts of an expression, just writing the constant will not get picked up.

Constant Symbol Value
π (pi) pi 3.14..
e (Euler's number) e 2.71..
Logical truth value (true) true true
Logical truth value (false) false false



Function Symbol Example Result
Absolute value abs abs(-4) 4
Logarithm (natural) log log(e^2) 2
Logarithm (base 10) log10 log10(100) 2
Factorial fact fact(5) 120
Random random random() a random number between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive)
Maximum max max(3, 2, 7, 10) 10
Minimum min min(3, 2, 7, 10) 2
Round to decimal point round(<number>, <place-to-round-to>) round(3.256, 1) , round(3.256, 2) 3.3 , 3.26
Floor (next smallest integer floor floor(2.4)
Ceiling (next largest integer) ceiling ceiling(3.3)


Function Symbol Example
Sine sin sin(3.14) (uses radians)
Cosine cos cos(3.14) (uses radians)
Tangent tan tan(3.14) (uses radians)
Arc-sine asin asin(3.14) (returns degrees)
Arc-cosine acos acos(3.14) (return degrees)
Degrees to radians rad rad(180)
Radians to degrees deg deg(3.14)

Function names ignore capitalization.


Operation Symbol Example Result
Greater than > 15 > 12 true
Less than < 0 < 5 true
Greater than or equal to >= 12 >= 13 false
Less than or equal to <= 3 <= 5 true
Equality == 4 == 1 false
Inequality != (2 + 2) != 3 true

Logical comparisons

Combining multiple comparisons.

Operation Symbol Example Result
Logical AND && (3 > 1) && (10 >= 5) true
Logical OR || (2 != 1) || (1 == 1) true
Logical XOR != (1 < 3) != (1 > 2) true
Logical NOT ! !(1 < 3) false
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