How to Back Up Your Purchase

If you use a single Google Play account on all your devices and do not swap accounts, your purchase is backed up automatically. However, backing up your purchase with NiagaraID grants additional safety.

You can add your email to your purchase access Niagara Launcher on your other devices and make recovering your purchase easier in case you switch phones. 

How Can I Back up My Purchase on My Old Device?

Go to the Niagara Settings > Niagara Pro > Manage membership > Add email > Enter your email. Then, we'll send you an email to ensure it's your address.

How Can I Restore My Purchase on My New Device?

First, you'll need to back up your purchase on your old device (see the previous paragraph). Then, tap on Niagara Pro, as you would purchase Niagara Pro again. Here, you can tap on Restore membership, and you'll be prompted to enter the email you added to your membership. You will receive an email with a confirmation link. After clicking the link on the new device you will have access to Niagara Pro again.

Clicking on the link in the email does not do anything

Your system or browser might not automatically forward the link to Niagara Launcher. Please try the following manual approach:

  1. Long press the "Sign In" button in the email.
  2. Copy the link.
  3. Open Niagara Launcher's search.
  4. Type /applink and press enter.
  5. Paste the copied link in the text box and press enter.

Please note that sent links will only be valid for a while, so make sure you generate a fresh link by re-entering the email in Niagara Settings 🡪 Niagara Pro if needed.

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