Take Transparent Screenshots

We're providing a tool to let you create a screenshot of your home screen setup without your wallpaper (you'll get a .png with transparent background). You can then edit the image (e.g., with Photoshop) and create mockups, setups, or promotional assets (e.g., when showcasing new icons or taking screenshots for your Google Play Store listing). We use this tool in our Medium posts to showcase new features:

  • To use it, execute the following secret command: /screenshot.
  • A screenshot button appears on the top right. Tap on it to take a transparent screenshot (it has a timer of one second). 
  • Starting with Android 10, the image is stored under Internal shared storage > Pictures. (Previous Android versions save it to Internal shared storage > Android > data > bitpit.launcher > files > Pictures.
  • To remove the button, either long-press the button or enter the secret command again.

Moreover, the following settings let you hide everything except your app icons and app names:

  • Look > enable "Hide status bar"
  • Look > enable "Hide alphabet"
  • Features > Niagara widget > disable "Show clock"
  • Features > Niagara widget > Calendar > disable "Show date"
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